minä perhonen Kyoto
デザイナーで創設者の皆川明が1995年にブランドを始めた時に、紙に書いた言葉「せめて100年続くブランド」。世代を超えて続いてゆく活動を思い描きました。それ以降、minä perhonen のスタッフは、いつも100年後を想いながら活動をしています。デザインを通じて、未来のためにできることを考えながら。
I want to wear a uniform from the standpoint of a wearing clothes …. Uniforms are passion (passion). Fresh fresh smile and innovative ideas. There is a driving force to make people excited.
So we pursue uniform fashionable mind, function.
You can purchase from even one wearing. Original embroidery and prints are also received.
Please do not hesitate to visit us.
“Your own” order shirt
衿型60、カフス型25種類の中からチョイスしていただけます 。
The founding started in the Meiji period, and the order shirt started from the Taisho era.
You can choose from among the 25 different types of measurements,
collar type 60, cuffs type, as a shop that creates “your own shirt”.
店舗説明や業務内容など :お洋服のクリーニングをはじめ、毛布・布団・スニーカーのクリーニングも取り扱っております。
11: 00 Deposit -> 17: 00 in the evening handed over.
We also open on Sundays and public holidays.
Please use by all means. P>
In July 2003, we opened Kyoto for the first time as a “watch repair shop” in Kyoto as “Concept of showing the site of repair when repairing a watch of customer’s most memorable occasions” Whats wrong? We will respond to the disassembly and cleaning of the wristwatch and the disassembly and cleaning of the wristwatch / clockwatch from the casual repair such as battery exchange and length adjustment of the band. Business trip repair such as Hall clock is also possible. Among them, you can watch the video of the battery exchange enlarged with the microscope on the TV monitor of the in-store waiting room live. We received a lot of impressions, “It is not just to open the lid and replace the batteries with battery replacement.” It is also possible to see the repair of an important memorable watch on the glass Yue. Please do not hesitate to contact us as it is possible only by consultation. P>